Wednesday, July 28, 2010

New Pictures (Finally!)

Now that we're finally getting settled with me working from home, I thought I'd take a second to post some updated pictures from what's been going on with us lately. I'm hoping to have some pictures of our new fancy bathroom and office up sometime later this week once we finish a couple of other details on them. But for you go!

Wyatt loves to read! (and eat the books...)

Reading with Grandma!

We have discovered that we have peach trees in our front yard!

Maddie came to visit while we were visiting in Kernersville.

Wyatt loves to play!

Aunt Betty came to visit and got to go riding with Robb!

Trying to cool off in the lake with Daddy.
Wyatt hiding from the sun while we played on the lake.

Hanging out!

That's all we've got for now! Things have been so busy around here I've slacked a little on the picture taking. It seems like we've been going a million miles an hour in every direction trying to get things worked out and switched over with my jobs...the barn is the busiest it's ever been so Robb is working long days (in this heat!!)...we've had lots of family in town much going on, but we're still so happy with how everything is going!

I will try to have some new pictures up of the latest renovations as soon as I can! Hope everyone is having a great week!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Really trying

to find the time to post new pictures! haha...first day on the new job...maybe after work I'll get some up!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Crazy Times

I will post new pictures this weekend hopefully...we have just hit a crazy patch this week where life has thrown about 80 monkey wrenches at us and we're trying to figure out where to put everything admist a crazy time. So I'm finally starting to wrap my head around some things and make some sense out of it all. I decided because my soon to be old boss wasn't going to be accomodating, that I would just make my last day earlier and spend some extra time with our son and getting the house ready for me to be there full time. It's amazing how stressful that decision was, but once I made it, it seems like everything is falling back into place which leads me to believe it was the right decision. It's amazing how life can become so crazy all of the sudden without even giving you a sign and then you're left treading water trying to figure out what just happened. And I feel so silly because I'm totally over re-acting I'm sure, because it's nothing major really (besides changing jobs), but there have just been so many little things since Friday that we've had thrown at us all of the sudden that it's left me feeling like I'm totally overwhelmed sorting through it all. But we're getting there and we'll be better off in the end with everything! :)

So to wrap this up...We're going to make it after all! :)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Chunky Gal

I realized the other day that I had originally started this blog to go along with our website and to show kind of what it's like to live at Chunky Gal...but then decided against to honor the original idea, here are some summer pictures from around Chunky Gal Stables.

Robb taking a ride out

Flowers around the house and front gate

Sam trying to sneak some hay without anyone realizing...but he got caught!

Flash grazing in the pasture near the barn.

The grape vines...still waiting for the grapes!!

6 Months!

I can't believe our little boy is 6 months old already!! (well on Wednesday) And of course, how are we celebrating? We're getting his 6 month shots! aww poor thing! But at least he's coming to work with Momma afterwards so if he needs some extra cuddling, he'll have his Momma. He doesn't do too well that first day with shots normally, and I hate it for him. Makes me sad that he's sad.
At 6 months Wyatt is/can:
  • roll over (and over and over...)
  • sit up if you put him sitting up (we're still working and pulling ourself up)
  • jump like a crazy person in his jumperoo!
  • loves to talk to us all day long! (and Momma and Daddy love it too!)
  • loves to laugh and smile and giggle at everything, we're just amazed at what a happy baby he is!
  • makes a funny face when he has to poop (only a momma would think this is funny)
  • loves to make you play peek-a-boo with him (he covers his face with his blanket and huffs until you say "where's Wyatt" then he pulls it off real quick laughing)
  • loves to eat all sorts of foods! Bananas and Sweet Potatoes seem to be his favorites so far
  • can drink out of a cup (assisted of course). He has a slight obsession with cups...we're working to encourage the sippy cup instead...
On a good note, we transitioned to his big boy crib this weekend finally! He could've done this forever ago, I think, but I think I just wasn't ready for it. But he did amazing! We've had great nights this weekend! Just woke up once or twice both nights. He's even been going down awake and putting himself to sleep with little to no fuss. I'm so proud of him! And Momma and Daddy are sleeping better not having to wake up with every move he makes. I think it'll make for a happier household all around. :)

We had a play date on Saturday with Owen. Owen, for those that don't already know the story, was born the same day as Wyatt. His mommy works with me at YHC. So it has been fun to go through pregnancy to birth and all the fun afterwards with someone. So we got the two little guys together and they had fun rolling around on the floor and stealing each other's toys.

Here's some fun play time with Daddy too!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July!

We had such a fun and crazy busy weekend! The barn was hopping with lots of riders, so there was lots of working, and we got to spend some time on the lake with Todd and Beth and their family, we have another new nephew, Austin Max, born July much going on!

We let Wyatt swim, really swim, for the first time this weekend and he seemed to enjoy it once he got over the life jacket in his face.

Wyatt just enjoyed being on the boat in general, I think. And it was late enough in the day that it wasn't as hot or crazy bad sunny. So that was a lot nicer with the little one out.

Then after our swimming time, Todd and Beth and their kids joined us on the boat...we went out and everyone was swimming and Wyatt kept trying to see over the side to see what they were doing, and before I realized what he was doing, he was standing up by himself!!!

He's growing up too fast!!!

Here are some other fun pictures from the weekend:

Family Portrait

Ellie, Me and Wyatt

Beth and Micah, Me and Wyatt

Robb and Wyatt (look at Wyatt's natural mohawk! haha)


Loves to eat!

We're going to be best friends!

Hope everyone had a great 4th! Maybe later I'll be able to laugh about our mishap with the mule yesterday and I'll tell you that story...ugh...Henry and I are no longer friends!! But that's a story for another day...