Tuesday, September 28, 2010

First Trail Ride

Last week we decided randomly one night that we were going to take Wyatt for his first trail ride. So we strapped him on Robb and saddled up and away we went!

Starting out...Wyatt trying to figure out what's going on.

Stopping to let the horses drink (our friend Dawna with us)

Riding with Daddy!

Wyatt had such a good time!!

Our family riding together! :)

He loved playing with the leaves as we
went by the trees.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

More of the Beach

Watching the waves with Daddy

Playing on the beach!

The fisherman hard at work

Dad playing with his granddog

Our first family beach trip!

The annual brother sister shot

Daddy and his boy!

Last shot before heading home

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


We got to spend last week at the beach with our family at Emerald Isle. It was so much fun! So nice to get away and unwind after a busy summer. Robb got to do a lot of fishing and I was just happy for a change of scenery and spending time with everyone. We went to the aquarium, spent time on the beach, in the pool, a little bit of everything. All in all a good time!

Wyatt getting ready to swim!

Wyatt checking out the pool for the first time.

Swimming is fun!!

We LOVED the ocean!!

Fun with Daddy!

Arden's first seashell hunt

Arden isn't impressed with the sand flea

Brother and Sister with babies!

Gators are scary!!!

Sharks are fun!

Hanging out.

More beach pictures to come soon...I'm out of time at the moment and there are so many!!! :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

New Pictures

Here are my weekly additions to the new pictures of Wyatt....

He's always talking to us or making some sort of sound, so now, many of our pictures look like this:

Or like this:
This is his juice box, which we thought we'd throw away,
and Wyatt thought was the greatest toy ever.

Getting ready for the rodeo with Daddy!
(He liked the steer roping...weird...)

Sampling the grass at the barn...if it's good enough for the

Nap time!

Here are a couple videos of his new skills...the first is Wyatt "crawling":

The next video...if you listen closely you'll here a little click noise...that is coming from Wyatt, he's learned to click his tounge and thinks it's fun. Then he shows off his other new skill of sitting up all by himself!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day

We had a good Labor Day weekend. Work kept us both busy for most of it with rides at the barn, and me on call on Monday for work as well. We got to the rodeo in town Saturday night to watch some friends ride and enjoy the cool nights that have snuck in all of the sudden. Wyatt and I had to leave a little early as it was getting a little too cool to be out without a hat on for the little one (in the 40s Saturday and Sunday nights). But we still had fun!

Work has really picked up for me right as things are starting to slow down for Robb...that seems to be the way it works with us.

Wyatt now has 4 teeth and two more working their way up. I guess it's good that we're just going straight through and getting these teeth in, but I feel so bad for him! I wish he could catch a little break in between!
Wyatt is really moving now...you put him down and it's off he goes. He's discovered the light coming in through the windows onto the floor now and thinks that's hillarious to run after and play with. He also likes to click his tounge in his mouth and then laugh at the noise it makes. He loves to be outside and watch the animals playing. He just brightens our lives so much more every day! :)

Well back to work for now...hoping to post some new pictures later on. Happy Labor Day week everyone!!