That seems an appropriate title for this post, because that pretty much sums up our house lately. My goodness! If it's going around I think we've caught it. Wyatt was sick first, ended up with an ear infection. Then Robb got sick with a cold/sinus infection junk. Then Cole caught it all. But everyone is finally on the mend and getting better. Yay!
Cole is 6 months now! Hard to believe! He's doing great. He realized the other day that he could make sounds (mainly BA!) so we're hearing a lot more from him lately. He's also discovered that he can in fact roll around on his own, so the days of him staying put, are officially over. Watch out Wyatt, he's coming for your toys!
Wyatt is talking up a storm! He's like a parrot now. Constantly talking and repeating anything he hears, which is both hillarious and sometimes a bit bothersome. :) He's enjoying learning the chores around here and helping both Momma and Daddy with different things. He loves helping Daddy with the animals and feeding and watering everyone. He's really come to LOVE the animals lately which most of the time results in him having to kiss the animals before he leaves them.
Robb's been busy with rides and keeping up with shoeing horses, getting hay, training horses, and catching up on his to do list. He's had a couple of horses in for training and has been spending time with them to get them up ship shape and ready to go. The spring season is already sneaking up on us as well at the barn and I think going to hit us earlier with this mild winter.
We survived the crazy weather recently. There were a few tornados nearby but nothing in our immediate area. They hit in Murphy and Andrews and did quite a number. Then a couple of days later it snowed. I'm ready for spring and sun and flowers :)
I've been working a lot and trying to shuffle everyone between doctors visits, medicine and soup. Somehow Mommy Immunity has kicked in and helped me through this last round of junk. Unless it's like last time and somehow it'll come back and kick me in the behind next week after everyone else is healthy. I'm going to go with Mommy Immunity this time. :)
Hope everyone is doing well!
Happy Thursday!
Happy Boy! |
Farmer Elmo driving the tractor |
Oh the conversations these two have... |
It must've been a funny one |
Silly! |
Helping with feeding time |
He loves his brother :) |
Sweet boys |