Our summer season is in full swing at the barn! (Yay!) We're keeping busy with rides every day now. Always fun to meet all the different people that come ride with us every year. Robb is working long days, which is no fun for either of us, but I keep reminding myself it's only for a few months, then we can get back to normal (whatever that is).
This heat wave is crazy! I hope this is not a sample of what is to come this summer! It really makes me worry more about Robb and our animals when it gets like this. But Robb knows what he's doing and is very aware of the heat and what it does, so I know I shouldn't worry, but I guess I'm the one in our family in charge of it. :)
Wyatt is growing so fast! He's beginning to sit unassisted and is so excited about it! He can roll all over the place and is trying his hardest to sit up (not quite there yet, though). He's been a little unhappy due to teething, but we're getting through it. I hate seeing him in pain and not being able to do much to help him! But he's doing pretty well with it, I think.
Our new niece is finally here! Little Arden Linville made her arrival a little over a week ago and she is so cute! I'm hoping to make a trip down to meet her in July and catch up with some of the family down that way.
Let's see...what else do we have going on...we are still plugging away at the renovations on the house. Dad has been up helping with several projects and I think we're about to finish off the little bathroom and it will be so cute! I can't wait! Then I think I might try to tackle updating the other bathroom with some paint and a new wall cabinet...we'll see. We have had a few people out to look at the windows in the past week, hoping to get those replaced soon. It's crazy how much air we are loosing out of those old ones...some of them won't even close anymore!! Yuck! So we've decided it's time to bite the bullet and get those done. That in itself will make a much needed improvement both asethetically and on our wallet with heating and cooling costs.
I think that pretty much sums up what's going on lately. I will leave you with some fun pictures of Wyatt!
Here are a few pictures from Wyatt's playtime with his cousin Ellie....these make me smile! :)

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