Nothing too new to report from here. Just been getting caught up on projects around the barn and house lately. The Goins family will be here in full for Thanksgiving this year, so we're getting things tidied up for that as it's hard to believe, Thanksgiving is right around the corner!!
We've gotten a good jump on Christmas shopping (already have 6 presents wrapped!!) and are continuing this weekend with a little shopping trip with the Goins ladies, so I'm looking forward to that!
Wyatt has started to climb and pull up on everything lately. Looks like walking isn't far away....
Other than that, nothing too new to report. Can't wait to see everyone around the holidays!!
This is what you see when nap time is over now...a standing
baby ready to go! |
I am not ready for him to walk yet!! |
Helping with laundry (he just pulls it all out
when I'm not looking...) |
Snug as a bug in his hammock Daddy made him :) |
Got his shoes and mittens on (which were yummy...) |
Mastered the sippy!! |
Sheer joy! |
He LOVES leaves! |
Riding with Daddy (that's actually a happy face) |
Better to be on the horse than being the horse!