Spring has sprung and we have been hopping along with all sorts of fun adventures! The weather has been amazing (with a few cold days thrown in) and we've been taking advantage of it for sure. We did a little camping in Pisgah Forest with some of the Goins crew a few weeks back and Wyatt got to spend the night sleeping in a tent for the first time! He's really getting into this camping idea.
We've spent a lot of time outside getting things all cleaned up and looking good. We've painted doors, added mulch, mowed, weedeated, bushhogged, etc. etc. and it's only May! I always forget how much work it is around here once everything begins to grow again. But we enjoy spending time outside.
We welcomed a new horse recently and he's adjusting to the rest of the herd well. All the horses have shed their winter coats and are really looking great coming out of an easier winter. That's always a good way to start the summer season. :) Levi also got his hair cut for the summer recently and is looking so good! We decided he needed a little help this year to get rid of that heavy winter coat and I think it may become a yearly thing now.
The boys are doing great! Cole is really starting to sit up and take notice of everything now. He's discovering the animals and all the crazy things going on around him. He's super close to crawling and gets up on his hands and knees now, just no forward motion yet (and no complaint from this momma!) but I have a feeling things are about to get a little more entertaining around here really soon once he can chase after his brother finally :) Wyatt is talking up a storm. His current favorite phrase "What is that?" about everything! haha it's pretty cute.
We just got back from a great trip to the beach. We spent a week down at Myrtle Beach State Park and had a blast! The boys were able to play outside a bunch, we played on the beach, Robb got to do a lot of fishing on the pier, and there were several playgrounds we had to check out. All in all, we wished we stayed another week :)
Hope everyone is doing good during this super full moon!!
Happy Sunday (funday)!
Warming up after a night of camping in a tent |
Hanging out with his cousins. |
Chilly morning! |
He loved riding this bike everywhere! |
Getting firewood so we could cook some hotdogs! |
Notice how much stuff we managed to stuff on the stroller :) |
Hanging out by the river. |
Touching his first fish! |
"Whoa! Big Water" |
Playing on the beach! |
Helping Cole learn how to play in the water |
Cole loved the water! |
Daddy and Wyatt! |
The boys! |
Running with Levi |
Momma and her boys! |
He loves riding Thomas! |
The boys playing around the campground |
Levi's summer 'do |
Playing is fun! |
Cole hanging out with Daddy |
Wyatt climbed all the way up to the big slide! |
Wait, you're not supposed to eat the sand? Dang... |
Summer attire: Diaper, boots, tobogan |
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