Friday, June 3, 2011

Summer Time

I guess it's officially summer time! Although I've yet to determine if that's good, bad or indifferent. But none-the-less it's here! And HOT!!!! Of course the summer that I'm pregnant it goes from 50- 90 in a week. Oh well....

Nothing too new going on here. We've made some progress on what will be our master bedroom. Still a long way to go on that one, but we're getting there. Dad came up and helped with the electrical to get that all squared away, all that's left with that now is to get the lights put up and we'll be good to go! Robb and I are working on the walls slowly (as there is a LOT of wall space). Right now pulling old nails out and patching and sanding our way around the room...then pulling all the trim off (as there are about 4 different types in there) and then the painting fun begins. I swear I will bake anything you want if someone wants to come help paint! :) 

We're also looking at options to re-do the siding and gutters outside and get that all fixed up and pretty! We've found a look we both love, so we're just shopping around still to see who's got the best pricing on this.

Wyatt is doing great! Learning new things all the time. His latest is he loves to help and have things that he can do. Such as putting his dirty clothes in his hamper, or playing with his drawer in the kitchen and then cleaning it up without being asked and saying "Ta Da!!" once he's done (so we know to clap for him) :) He's even started helping with decorating know, pulling the toilet paper from the bathroom all the way across the house (which also ended with a "TaDa!" and hands in the air with a big smile). We love dandilions and picking every single one we can find. He goes for a haircut this afternoon, so that should prove to be entertaining (and hopefully less stressful) than the last one. Here's to that!

Other than that we're getting moving on summer season with the barn and just trying to beat the heat any way we can with rafting (Robb, not me and Wyatt yet) playing on the boat, whatever we can!

Happy Friday!!!

Watching the water


Of course there's a stick in his hand! :)

This isn't as exciting as I thought it'd be...

Watching his cousins

Robb rafting down the last of the whitewater on the Natty!

The bump.

Picking Dandilions

Levi hiding in the shade

I'm busy right now.

Daddy teaching him to blow the seeds off

Boats are fun!

Hanging out with Momma

Telling Daddy "More" splashing please!


Happy guys! :)

Helping Daddy drive the boat.

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